Your strength is your foundation! For women, strength is not a choice. It is a way of life. Lovelife Krush Kegel exerciser helps strengthen the pelvic floor, which weakens over time due to childbirth and age. Equipped with built-in sensor technology and a strong motor for deep vibrations, krush measures the pressure, control, endurance, and grip of your PC muscles. Simply connect to tasl, and you will build the strength to control your flow, enhance your pleasure, and love more about life. <br /><br />Product Features: Built-in sensor measuring pelvic floor muscle strength.Built-in motor for haptic training feedback and pleasure.Body-safe silicone Waterproof.USB rechargeable.Included in box:Sensor and Bluetooth rechargeable Kegel with srong motor for deep vibrations.Free Android and iOS "tasl" App White satin privacy pouch.USB charging cord. One-year manufacturer's warranty
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